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Blank Canvas

karla rodas

Day 17 of the 500 words a day/30 day experiment @kale&cigarettes

I was inspired by reading Kirk Hensler’s yoga meditation journal entries that he openly shared  on yoganonymous. I sat this morning and played a guided meditation for creativity. I was less than inspired yesterday and didn’t post. I figured I’d get to it later and then later never came. I gave myself a break, feeling exhausted and just wanting to rest. I didn’t beat myself about it or spiral downward into a major guilt trip. But, I felt a bit disappointed about not writing. I did other productive things and creative things and that felt great. So, let it go.

I decided to follow the guided meditation this morning in hopes of inspiring that creative spark to write. To put words on a page. Not just churn it out because I had to but because I want to. I don’t want this experiment of writing for 30 days to feel burdensome or like an unwelcome task, like turning in a paper for school, with the deadlines and pressure. So far, it hasn’t been like that. It’s something that I look forward to and I let it be whatever it ends up being. Sometimes it’s a snapshot of the moment that I’m in, an honest depiction of my emotional state. That’s when it feels the best. I’m unloading and uncluttering my heart and my mind by letting it out on the page.

This is what the meditation felt like and actually the theme was to empty and get uncluttered in order to move into the creative process with clarity. It was a time to dedicate to giving the mind a rest for a bit and stepping back from creating. This was helpful to me. The meditations began with sitting with whatever was there whether it be clutter or chaos and feel it. Then let it go. Then to visualize the body as a container and slowly beginning to empty. It went on to returning to the innocent joy or excitement when first starting this creative project. It touched on the feelings of devotion and love when beginning the process.

There were a few questions that came up to come back to the purpose for starting the creative journey in the first place. This was extremely helpful to me and I simply listened to the questions and let the answers reveal themselves. Why do you want to do it? Why do you care? Why does this matter to you? Why is it important?

This is what came through for me. Devoting myself to this writing commitment has sparked my purpose. Writing allows me to delve deeper into myself and it’s a way to connect with others. I can be my most honest and real when I write. The self-consciousness and judgment goes out the window. I’m not worried about what others will think. There are raw human emotions that come through and I welcome them. Through writing I can reflect and deal with anything. It’s a creative lifeline and connection to humanity that I so crave. It’s something that I can do that’s just for me. I can choose to share it and by being my most authentic self inspire others to do the same.

The end of the meditation was to allow any spark of inspiration to come through. There were three key elements at the end of the meditation to reflect on:

Clarity~ some of the synonyms for clarity are lucidity, purity and simplicity 

Inspiration~enthusiasm, spark, illumination 

Patience~poise, endurance, humility 

This guided meditation practice was what I needed today and I may return to it again or just practice on my own. It did allow me to step away then become clear and re-inspired to create and to be patient with myself and let it unfold naturally. 20 minute Meditation for Creativity with David Harshada Wagner